How to Trust the Building Process

Building a house together is a slow process and feels a lot like building a life together.
As my husband and I walk through the journey of building a house together, I’ve realized it certainly takes a village, and I know the same to be true about building a marriage.
Thankfully, my dad is the builder, and I trust him with every detail. It has reminded me a lot of trusting Father God with every detail. My dad has different people in different positions doing different jobs to make our dream a reality. And God has different people in different positions speaking different words into us to make our marriage a ministry.
A friend prayed over me this week and prophesied that God was building a mansion of a marriage for us.
I believe the same is true for you.
Just like we are in the waiting of our home-building process, many of us are in the waiting of building a marriage mansion too. A place where couples can come to find rest, common ground, and reassurance. A place we can open up for others to feel less alone. A place that took time, work, and patience to build — from us and people who love us.
This kind of stuff doesn’t happen overnight — building houses or marriages. But we pray over the land and we empower the right people and we trust the builder. And we trust the process. And we trust each other.
The piece of land we’re building on is rocky and full of trees and will take a lot of clearing before the foundation is ready for a home.
There is also a lot of clearing out to be done in our hearts – whether it’s self-sufficiency, envy, gossip, lying, or control. This clearing rids our hearts of what doesn’t belong so that Jesus can fully come in and lay the foundation. We want our marriage, like our new house, is built on The Rock. And when you have a firm foundation, nothing in this world can shake you.
I think of the song, “Bones” by Maren Morris often during this season. She talks a lot about firm foundations and how the storms of life can’t shake you when the bones of your house are good.
What are the bones that make a strong marriage?
The bones of a good marriage have to be the bones of Jesus. He died so they could be. We build our lives on His so that life doesn’t take us out when it inevitably gets hard.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV)
Spend time with the Builder, because He has overcome the world and He has overcome our marriage issues. He has overcome our struggles and our fears. Jesus has overcome so we can live life to the full and tell the world about all He’s done.
Trust the building process, friends. He is doing a good work, and He will finish it. (Philippians 1:6)
Wife Step: Similar to drawing up a house plan, put together a plan for your marriage. Don’t leave out any details! Design each room and each space of your dream marriage and start praying over every part.

Kaitlin is a wife, author, speaker, and coach who loves words, good coffee, and traveling to new cities. Her favorite places include airports, hotel rooms, and bookstores. Kaitlin and her husband Caleb live in Huntsville, AL and serve at Church of the Highlands. She never meets a stranger and is a sucker for brunch dates. She hopes everyone who meets her sees Jesus in her eyes and feels a little lighter when they leave her presence. You can say hi to Kaitlin on social media at @kaitlinchappellrogers on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook, @kchaprogers on Twitter, or on her website at!