Questions to Consider from Time in Quarantine

I feel as though God had to take away all the extra things in my life in order for me to feel the sun on my face again. Not only the physical sun but the SON, Jesus.
Conversations have been littered with these words, “I don’t know that I want to go back – truthfully, I don’t know that I can.” All of this has changed me, and I won’t go back to the way life was before.
Too busy to breathe.
Too busy to lean in and listen.
Too busy to laugh and linger.
Too busy to savor.
Too many hands in the wrong pots.
Too many burdens that are not mine to carry.
Too little time in the Word of God.
Too little time in prayer.
Too little time with my people.
Too little time being changed daily by the Gospel.
Do you see why I cannot go back? My life is different in this place, and it took a pandemic to open my eyes. I know I am not the only one who is looking at life differently now. Watching and wondering how we can ever go back to the old way of life when we have been so changed from being here.
My prayer is that we never go back to that place.
I think in order for us to move forward, we need to ask ourselves some questions about what quarantine has really meant to us. These questions are meant to identify where God is working, what God is removing or adding to us, and how this will impact us going forward.
- What has God removed from my life in this season?
- Was what God removed becoming more important than God in my life? (Did it take time from your personal study of the Word, church, etc.)
- How has God added into my life during this season? (i.e., more time in the Word, slower pace, investing in your family.)
- What is God asking me to continue to lay down as we go forward from this place?
- Have I spent more time worried, burdened, and overwhelmed, then leaning into Jesus?
- How has God opened my eyes? (If you don’t think He has, then now is the time to ask?)
These are just a few questions to ask yourself and really take to heart as we journey through the coming months. God doesn’t allow or do things without a perfect purpose, and I believe that the call is to come back to Him; for us to be changed for good.
Just like that day on the trampoline with the sun on my face, and breathing deeply the breeze that God allowed to sweep over my face – I want to be changed. I don’t want to go back to life where I missed everything and didn’t walk with Jesus as I am now. How about you?
Wife Step: Ask the hard questions, and make a list of the ways you’re not going back to the way things were before.

Michelle is a writer and speaker on a mission to equip women to thrive in their walk with Jesus by getting into God’s Word every day. She is a wife to Jeremy – a Minister of Music, and mom to three wild and wonderful kids. She loves Christmas music all year, collecting shells, crazy socks, and drinking lots of coffee. You can find her at, on Instagram @displayinggrace, or on Facebook @Displaygrace
Oh so good!! Yes, a lot has been learned from all of this. It has shown me how easy it is to take my eyes off my creator and get swept up in what the world has to offer. So grateful that God’s goodness is running after me! He is running after you too!!