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How God’s Love Takes the Pressure Off Your Husband – Kaitlin Chappell Rogers

November 16, 2020

How God’s Love Takes the Pressure Off Your Husband

When we remember that God accepts and loves us more than anyone else ever could, this fact helps us take the pressure off our husbands.


I wasn’t so sure I’d ever be anyone’s favorite. 


Maybe you have felt the same — begging God to send someone who would dub you “enough” even though God had already made you enough?


I was like a chameleon, shifting to fit in and be liked. I was whatever shade of me I needed to be to get approval of the guy I was dating or the one I wanted to date.


When I met my husband, I knew I could be myself and be loved. But I still longed to be his prized possession. I found my worth in who he said I was. But that expectation put way too much pressure on him. He is not my Savior. 


Our husband’s affirmations of us will never satisfy us the way God’s affirmations will.


We were made to be complete in Christ, not completed by another person. 


We are who God says we are, and He says we are His work of art.


“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)


When we are confident in how much God likes us, we are capable of fully liking ourselves and spilling that affection over to our spouses. 


Our confidence in Christ eliminates the pressure of perfection we put on our husbands.


I recently found a mug at Target (on the sale shelf) that says, “You are my favorite.” I have a little bit of an obsession with collecting mugs, and I couldn’t resist buying one that reminded me of what God says about me every morning.


I am His favorite. You are His favorite. Your husband is His favorite. Because God is God, He considers us all a favorite and loves us that way.


We don’t have to shift like a chameleon or chase affection with God. And like Ephesians 2:10 tells us, He doesn’t adore us so we can be lifted up, He considers us His handiwork so we can do good things for His glory.


The way God loves us has more to say about Him than it does about us.


We can live free of the need to impress others, including our husbands, when our main mission is the pursuit of God.


You can take the pressure off yourself and your husband when you rest in the truth that you are both God’s favorite without even trying. That’s what makes you both so special and that’s what you can use to love each other on a deeper level.


Wife Step: Write your husband a note reminding him why he is God’s favorite.

Are you wanting to grow your faith and your marriage? The A Wife Like Me Collective is open for a limited time to Founding Members! Join here.

Kaitlin is a wife, author, speaker, and coach who loves words, good coffee, and traveling to new cities. Her favorite places include airports, hotel rooms, and bookstores. Kaitlin and her husband Caleb live in Huntsville, AL and serve at Church of the Highlands. She never meets a stranger and is a sucker for brunch dates. She hopes everyone who meets her sees Jesus in her eyes and feels a little lighter when they leave her presence. You can say hi to Kaitlin on social media at @kaitlinchappellrogers on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook, @kchaprogers on Twitter, or on her website at!


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