5 Steps to Begin Healing From Your Pornography Addiction

Once the Lord brought my pornography addiction into the light, I had no idea what to do about it. A quick Google search turned up little on women struggling with the same issue. Fighting feelings of defeat, I sank to my knees in prayer.
If you struggle with pornography, I am here to tell you that you are not alone.
“Lord, what do I do? I want freedom. Help me!”
After crying out to the Lord, 2 Corinthians 3:17 was laid on my heart. “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
After learning more about pornography and what God’s word says about it, God started showing me a path toward healing. After learning more about pornography and what God’s Word says about it, He began showing me a path toward healing. The journey has not been an easy one, but it’s one bringing me closer to my husband and my heavenly Father.
Here are 5 Ways to Begin Healing From Your Pornography Addiction
1. Seek God. Speak to your heavenly Father. Ask Him to show scriptures to encourage you along the way. Only through discussion with God can we receive healing in any portion of our lives.
2. Seek authenticity. Reach out to other, safe, female believers in Christ. Being known to others has been one of the greatest areas of growth in my life and walk with the Lord. Pulling myself and my struggles from the darkness and into His glorious light encourages me to grow deeper in my relationship with Christ. I’ve developed deep and abiding friendships along the way.
3. Ask for forgiveness. Sometimes I still stumble, but I don’t sit in shame and guilt over it for weeks and months at a time anymore. I ask forgiveness from the Lord then reach out to a girlfriend to ask her forgiveness then I ask my husband’s forgiveness.
4. Seek accountability. Having women walk alongside me during my struggles who I can contact when I stumble has been one of the sweetest gifts of my life. Sending a text saying I’m struggling or have stumbled is never fun. Yet, there is a love and trust in the act I cannot describe with words.
Many free and inexpensive apps are available for phones and technology. I use 3X Church’s program on my devices. It shows up in the background, and that simple reminder often keeps me from stumbling. The next layer is it either emails or texts my accountability partners if I access sites that are not life giving. Knowing someone else can see my search history is another great way for me to re-assess before going down the road toward pornography.
Possibly the easiest safeguard is utilizing Covenant Eyes, which you can get here.
4. Made new. Afterward, I remind myself I am not the total sum of my sin struggles. I am a new creation in Christ and my identity rests in Him.
Wife Step: Pray and ask the Lord to show you if you do have an issue with pornography. Ask Him for the strength to make a change.

Alynda Long and her husband, Brian, live near Dallas, Texas with their two youngest daughters. A lay leader in a sexual abuse recovery ministry at her church, she loves sharing God’s story of redemption and healing in her life while helping other women walk through their own journey of recovery. She writes about the lessons the Lord teaches in her day to day life as a wife, mother, and friend at alyndalong.com. She thrives on Jesus, coffee, books, chocolate, and friendships!
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