When You’re Walking Through Hard Things

There is a little mountain town where our family loves to take weekend trips and summer vacations. It has been such a special place for our family; however, it also comes with its problems.
A little over a year ago, a wildfire spread across thousands of acres, almost reaching this sweet little town. Much damage was done and it has been a hard road of recovery for many.
Because I have to drive past all the burnt places on my way to our home away from home, I’m reminded of the brutality that was done as I see the charred trees and the burned fields. There is such darkness there. Unfortunately, I must pass through that place of ruin to get to the beauty of my destination.
But I noticed something this past Spring. I noticed new growth. Colorful little blooms peeking out from the charred ground. Grass growing at the base of blackened trees. Quite simply, I noticed new life.
It made me think about how many times in marriage, what was once beautiful turns into something dark or difficult. Damage is done by the fires of tongues or by actions. Hearts get broken and all we see is the barrenness of our surroundings.
But God has this way of taking that which is dark, ugly, and broken and bringing new life to it. When we cry out to Him, when we fight for our marriage, no matter how charred it seems at the moment, our discouragement can be replaced with hope. When grace flows through our relationship with our spouse, we can start to see the glimmer of new life in our marriage.
The key is, we have to pass through the ugly to get to the beautiful. We have to maneuver through our places of ruin to find the beauty and intimacy our marriage can bring. We have to be willing to face what we know will be difficult in order to come out on the other side. We have to sit with the fact that we don’t know how long it will be until we see a glimmer of new life. We don’t know how long we’ll see nothing but charred ground..
Wives, I don’t know what dark place your marriage is in right now. I don’t know what ruin you are facing, because the enemy loves to start fires in even the most beautiful places.
But our God is the greatest Light. He is the Giver of grace. He is our encouragement, our strength, and our guide. When we seek Him, our marriage can start to bloom again.
But seek He first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33-34)
We may not always have the answers in our marriages. We don’t always know what the next step is. But God knows. If we follow His leading, He will bring us through the fire, out of the ashes, and into the beauty of loving our spouse.
Wives, today be encouraged that, no matter what you are walking through in your marriage, no matter how ugly it has gotten, there is beauty waiting for you. God is walking through the fire with you and He will bring you out of the flames.
Wife Step: Take time today to lift your prayers to Him, and especially take time to hear His prompting. There is hope, there is new growth, for you and your marriage.
(*Note – this post is not for anyone living in an abusive marriage. We are never meant to ‘ride out’ or ‘suffer through’ the storm of abuse because abuse is never okay. If you are experiencing any type of abuse in your marriage, get help today by contacting a trained professional counselor.)

Betty Predmore is an author, speaker, blogger, and ministry leader. Betty has experienced broken homes, divorce, abuse, grief, being a single mother, blended families, and adoption. Betty uses the broken places and movement of God in her own life to share God’s Word in an inspiring way, sprinkled with honesty, humor, and encouragement, and reflecting the love of Jesus to all she meets.
Betty is the Founding Director of two community faith-based ministries. Mom-Sense helps women overcome life struggles through small group classes with biblical curriculum, individual counseling, bibles studies, and other areas of support. The Imperial Valley Coalition for Life is a pro-life organization that values the sanctity of life and encourages women to choose life by offering various means of support throughout pregnancy and infancy.
Betty has published two devotionals: Pondering Virtue and Whispered Grace. Betty is honored to be a part of the A Wife Like Me contributor team. She has also contributed to other publications such as Southern Faith Magazine, Purposeful Life, and Aspiring Woman Magazine. She is also a contributor for several online Christian blogging sites.
Of all her roles in life, Betty is most honored to be wife to Jim and mama to a brood of 7, which includes biological and adopted children.