What to do When You Question God’s Timing

Receiving difficult information can rock us to the core.
Oh the timing of God.
A wife who found out her spouse had been cheating on her for a year. A whole year before she found out.
A wife who found her husband watching porn.
A wife who carried her sleeping son back into the house after hearing of the diagnosis – cancer.
A wife who lost her job after just learning that their vehicle was beyond repair and they’d need to purchase a different one.
Have you ever felt rocked to your core? Have you received difficult news and you didn’t know where to turn?
When we learn of difficult news, it is easy to wonder why God didn’t reveal it earlier.
As I write this, I am dealing with something that God has just revealed. My first instinct was to become anxious. I messaged my husband about my stress. I began to think about how things were finally going well. Why now, Lord?
The downward spiral of anxiety took over, giving my husband a front row seat.
Thankfully, oh so quietly, the Lord whispered to me, “ I revealed it in its time.”
Sometimes, we think things are going wrong when really God is just revealing things to us that he had been guarding us from. He waits until his perfect time for us to know the things that rattle us to the core. He waits until we are ready to rely on God for the strength only He can provide.
“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Ecclesiates 3:1 ESV
Had God revealed this news to me before, I would have been a frazzled mess of anxiety. But, he waited. He waited for me to become stronger, wiser, and more spiritually mature to handle what he was sending my way. Instead of falling into a mess of anxiety, I began to trust him and his plan. Ultimately knowing that he was in control.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phillipians 4:6-7 ESV
I planned a fast about the thing that was troubling me. I decided to not eat until 5pm each day, and throughout the day, I would lift my concern to the Lord as I surrounded myself with his word. I decided to spend more time feeding my spirit, and less time feeding my flesh.
My anxiety released and I felt God’s peace. I didn’t know the solution to the problem, but I knew were peace comes from. So my trust rested in Christ.
I clung to my father. The one who sees the unspoken, unwept, unknown things in my heart. I walk in peace knowing that no matter what happens it will be okay.
“ we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 ESV
Wife Step: Thank God for revealing things in its time. Think about 1 thing in your life that is causing you anxiety. Pray about it, and give it to the Lord knowing he is the Savior of all.

Holly is the creator of Tea Time and Jesus, a blog dedicated to encouraging and equipping the found and inspiring the lost. She is passionate about helping others to see God’s truth and faithfulness in every moment of their lives. Holly is often caught singing and baking chocolate chip cookies with her husband in her home in South Korea with a cup of tea in hand.
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