By Heather Frank
What does it mean to grow in wisdom? The answer may not be as complex as you think. Here’s some encouragement for you from what I’ve learned and what you can learn from the life of Solomon.
The Gift of Wisdom
Growing up, I wanted to be known for my intellect. My desire wasn’t to be the prettiest, but rather the one with the most wit and humor. Thankfully what started out as a selfish motive evolved to a holy desire to know and glorify God.
I remember hearing about the story of Solomon when I was 10 and how he was well-known for having wisdom. I didn’t want the fame, but I longed for the wisdom God had given him. He knew everything about anything, and he lived his life well because of it. I wanted that.
It wasn’t until years later that I learned having true wisdom is becoming more like Jesus, because he is wisdom. To become wise is to become more Christ-like, giving praise and honor to the one who gives it – him.
Solomon’s Example
Let’s look at the life of Solomon and how wisdom set him apart from any other human being in his lifetime.
1. It started with humility.
Solomon humbly recognized his inadequacy within his God-given position as king. He pointed out what was before him, declaring to God he wasn’t equipped for the job. Solomon didn’t back away out of fear; rather, he humbly approached the Lord with a firm request to receive a discerning heart and wisdom. (1 Kings 3:7)
2. He responded with gratitude.
Following the wisdom he received, Solomon offered burnt sacrifices and threw a feast for the members of his court in celebration (1 Kings 3:15). He showed gratitude immediately following the gift with private adoration and public praise.
3. Solomon was ready to use it!
It wasn’t long before Solomon was presented with an opportunity to use the wisdom God gifted him. He was confronted with a difficult situation and responded with a discerning heart. Once all of Israel got word of Solomon’s decision, they responded with adoration and recognition that it was God who gave him that very wisdom (1 Kings 3:16-28).
4. He knew his assignment and stewarded his gift well for the kingdom.
His job was to have dominion over the people, the land and to give justice accordingly. Solomon built God’s temple and spoke of the proverbs. People from all over the world traveled to listen to his knowledge about topics that ranged from architecture to plants and animals (1 Kings 4, 5, 6).
Know God, Know Wisdom
I learned that to acquire wisdom I had to humbly admit I would never be enough. I didn’t want fame or riches, but to serve my family and community with biblical knowledge so that I would do whatever job God had for me well. More importantly I wanted to grow in wisdom so that I would know him better.
“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” Ephesians 1:17 (NIV)
I encourage you today to draw closer to Jesus, praying fervently for wisdom so that you may know him more and do the assignment he has appointed you well.
Wife Step: Take a post-it and write down the key takeaways from the life of Solomon: Humility. Praise. Assignment. Stewardship. Ask the Lord to help you grow in humility, respond with gratitude, and use your gifts well while knowing your God-given assignment.
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Heather Frank is the wife to a small-town dreaming entrepreneur and mother of two. She is an advocate for mental health wellness and spreading the Gospel. Heather published her first book, “Gracefully Navigating Anxiety: Gospel Direction for a Peace-filled Mindset” shortly after laying down a successful photography business.
Heather is a published photographer, writer, and creative with a passion for women who feel broken and community that can be the hands and feet of Jesus.
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