The Story Behind the Dear Wife Book

I thought I knew how to make a great marriage. Yet there I was, feeling discouraged that nothing seemed to work. Everything I had tried only made my marriage better for a short period of time, and then we’d fall back into the same old space where I felt unloved and unseen and he thought all was well.
Throwing my hands up in despair, I finally considered trying another way – a way I had never known about before. So, 2012 was spent setting aside everything I had learned would save marriages, and settling into what God said.
And everything changed.
At the end of that year as I was driving down little Highway 210 crossing the state line from Minnesota into North Dakota, it was made clear that my education in counseling wasn’t alone what would help marriages.
In fact, this was the day I knew my dream of a counseling practice would not be a practice at all.
Something much different was ahead, in the form of a nonprofit ministry – A Wife Like Me, proactively investing in the growth of wives’ personal relationship with Christ by partnering with established ministry leaders and wives themselves to spread hope and help around the globe.
This is what we know: Women are being attacked, because as women, we hold influence. And from our team’s own personal experience we know that when God gets a hold of a wife’s heart, her marriage changes. Her family transforms, and generations are impacted.
Our first step as a ministry was a resource responding to wives’ biggest need, which is to have intentional and meaningful time together as husband and wife – to connect. So together, we prayed, and we waited, and we listened. And Dear Wife: 10 Minute Invitations to Practice Connection with Your Husband was born. We understand that life is busy, we want to provide a practical format for you to get through each invitation and feel immediate growth. And this is exactly what wives are finding!
“This book is changing my life.” – Kaitlan Brady
“Exactly what I needed at this time in our marriage.” -Christi Wilson
“This book will save marriages.” – Lisa Hollingsworth
“The letter from God ripped my heart, like it’s all that I say and feel, and He recognizes it. I’m digging into my relationship with God.” – Stephanie Auck
“I highly recommend this book to married women of all ages and stages. There’s something for every wife in the pages of this well written book.” – Chrystan Ferrell
We’d love you to join the movement of wives across the globe who are putting on the armor and fighting for happy and healthy marriages and families.
Wives – it starts here. Let’s remove all the reasons why not to get started, start, and see what might happen. Would you grab your friends and encourage them to join the journey? You can begin your journey and find Dear Wife, here.

Amanda Davison is the wife to a Minnesota farmer, mother of three, and President of the nonprofit, A Wife Like Me. She is an author and speaker, and serves on staff at her local church, where she and her husband lead the marriage mentor team. Amanda is relentlessly sharing how her education in counseling and God’s word changed her life and marriage. You can be a part of the growing community of wives on Facebook or Instragram, and can find many helpful resources for your marriage at A Wife Like Me.
I’m not who I was when I got married.
It was less than three years ago when I stood at an altar in front of a cross and said, “I do,” to vows we wrote and vows we borrowed. And in less than three years, I have become a different person.
My heart has changed. I’ve grown closer to God. And I’ve learned to love myself more. I have very different interests and concerns than the girl who stood in a white dress at 24.
My husband isn’t the same person either. His passions have grown. His friendships have changed. The goals he has for himself and his family are vastly different than they were three years ago.
Maybe you’ve changed a lot since your wedding day, and maybe your husband has too. Maybe there have been some beautiful changes and maybe some that aren’t so lovely. And while sometimes the changes are positive ones, other changes can be difficult.
Some changes threaten to steal away the promises we made on our wedding day.
When we base the commitment to our husbands on how we feel he has changed for the worse or for the best, we are putting our hope in a pretty shaky foundation.
But God. Our God never changes.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)
When we put our hope in Him, and we plant our roots down into Him (Colossians 2:7) in our marriages, we stand on the firmest foundation there has ever been.
You’re not who you were when you got married, but God is the same God today as the day you made a vow to Him and your husband.
There are no coincidences and no accidents in God’s Kingdom. He works everything out for our good. Don’t believe me? Read Romans 8:28. He is working your marriage out for good, too.
Don’t let differences distract you from the divine gift God has given you in your spouse.
When marriage gets hard and the fights feel never-ending, we look up. When we wonder who in the world we even married, we look up. When we think maybe we should have married someone different because we ourselves are so different now, we look up.
We’ll never be the same as we were the day we wore a veil and cut a cake, but we can make a decision to hold on to the same feeling of honor and respect we had for our husbands that day. We can take those promises with us no matter how many times we change in this life. We can continue to look up as the world around us and inside us shifts. Because our God never shifts.
When we get married, we aren’t only agreeing to love the man in front of us for who he is that day, but for who he will be every day after that. Because we won’t always be who we are that day, and neither will he.
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