By Jess Robichaud
Have you ever had a do-it-scared experience, where you felt God’s calling and his prompting…but it would require some sacrifice?
My husband and I are here right now…and It’s going to require two things with which I desperately struggle… letting go and trusting God.
We’ve been here before, where we felt that God was calling us to step outside of our comfort zone. While there is a twinge of excitement in this stage, I must confess the prevailing feeling is fear. Fear that God won’t show up. That my life will be defined by sacrifice. That God will continue to take me out of my comfort zone–and if I’m being totally honest, I don’t want that.
I don’t want to be uncomfortable.
Can you relate?
Doing It Scared
I remember a conversation we had just a few weeks ago at a park picnic table. That’s where we felt God’s prompting, prayed for God’s direction, and prayed we would have the strength to follow him wherever he may lead, no matter the circumstances…no matter how illogical they may seem.
No matter the circumstances…no matter how illogical they may seem, at least from a human perspective.
I have to say that phrase over and over.
I am finding out that God does not always work within what we see as a logical framework. Actually, much of the time he will work and ask us to do things that don’t feel “logical” to us. If he asked us to work mainly within what felt “logical” then I think it would be easy for us to bring the glory to ourselves rather than to him.
But the ultimate purpose of our lives is to bring glory to him.
Learning to Do It Scared
Here are several truths I am learning in this process of obedience.
Wrestle with God in your feelings.
When we feel a calling, this doesn’t mean that we can’t talk with God about our apprehensions or bring those doubts to him. He wants to hear where we’re afraid, where we’re struggling, or what might be holding us back.
Wrestle with those feelings with God. He’s strong enough to handle them.
Be alert.
“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” – 1 Peter 5:8 (NIV)
When you get a calling from God and are obedient, the enemy will begin attacking. The enemy doesn’t want you following God or being obedient.
Notice that the verse uses the word “prowl”. The enemy is subtle. He is going to attack in subtle ways that will infiltrate your very mission.
This could look like feelings of inadequacy, marriage struggles, depression, apathy or something else. It can be anything that diverts you from your calling.
Remember everything is his, not yours.
“The heavens are yours, and yours also the earth; you founded the world and all that is in it.” – Psalm 89:11 (NIV)
This verse rings true right now for us, because this calling will require us to let go of much of our savings. Savings that could be used towards buying a home, taking a desperately needed vacation, or many other things we would like to spend it on.
This calling requires us to move for the fifth time in three years. We will pack up our belongings in boxes and put those boxes in a storage unit. Then we’ll embrace the blessing of God’s direction and provision in what we call our nomadic lifestyle for yet another season.
A year ago, I thought we’d be in a much different place. But I must remember that this life that we have is not ours. It’s God’s. My job is to respond to his calling, no matter what that may be. This will require me to loosen my grip and let go.
Remember to be thankful.
“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” – Colossians 3:15 (NIV)
It’s so easy for me to focus on what I’m NOT getting or how difficult it’s going to be to follow God’s calling. I can get so focused on myself that I miss the incredible ways God is working.
Take a step back and notice when God has been faithful, when he has fulfilled promises, when he has answered prayers, and when he has spoken directly to your heart.
Be on the lookout for where he is working in your life right now and thank him.
Remember you are not alone.
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)
Remember that God is faithful and that he is with you every step of the journey.
Dear wife, are you willing to do whatever God has called you to do, no matter the circumstance? Are you willing to let go and trust even though it may be scary?
Know that I am asking this question as much for myself as I am for you. I need this constant reminder of who is really Lord over my life.
My prayer is that we will respond to God’s calling and fully trust him so his glory will shine. I pray we will pursue his will even when we’re scared. There’s nothing wrong with being afraid. But we can’t allow that fear to separate us from God’s will for us. Do it scared, and you’ll bring God glory.
Wife Step: In which area is God calling you to do it scared? What is keeping you, if anything, from being obedient to his calling?

Jess is passionate about helping couples have an awesome marriage built on the foundation of Christ. Out of their own marriage struggles, Jess and her husband, Adam, founded Radiant Marriage to challenge and encourage couples towards deep levels of intimacy with each other and with the Lord. Jess is also a marriage and family therapist intern where she walks with couples through trauma to bring healing. Together with her husband, their main goal is to radiate the love of Christ and bring hope to couples in the midst of difficulty.
Do you want to intentionally grow your faith and marriage? If so, we’ve created the A Wife Like Me Collective for you! We’re waiting for you!
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