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If Your Valentine’s Day Looks Different Than Hallmark Cards – Karen Friday

February 14, 2019

If Your Valentine’s Day Looks Different Than Hallmark Cards

When February 14 arrives, I hear and see the sting of broken hearts, disenchanted by the absence of this day being filled with love and charm.


How well I remember my young and vulnerable heart on Valentine’s Day. My heart ached and desired to be showered with love by my husband like I imagined every other wife was. Yet reality didn’t always measure up.


We wives often step into a fantasy world when it comes to dreaming of love and romance. Dreams found in the sentiments of Hallmark cards or dramatic love shows or movies. Wishes for grandiose images of perfect love, candlelight, flowers, and chocolate.


Yet, even on non-valentine days, we can feel unloved. The pit of our hearts sometimes carry a nagging sense of emptiness.


The real picture of marriage often looks different than the commercialized Valentine’s Day.  


The real picture of love in marriage has nothing to do with Valentine’s Day. It has nothing to do with a card or flowers. While these acts are thoughtful, the real picture of love in marriage is Jesus himself.


When God drew back His bow, He hit dead center the target of real love – something Cupid has never been able to do. The Father sent His own son for us because of His great love for us, knowing we would never measure up.  Jesus’ heart was pierced for me. And you. On the cross. A day of love. The greatest Valentine’s Day and love story ever told.


Jesus is calling, “Will you be mine?”


This is the greatest love, and the greatest act shown for you, every day. Knowing and accepting this gift of love brings real love into your marriage.


So if your Valentine’s Day looks different than Hallmark cards, do not fret. You’ve already been chosen. You’re already cherished and adored. You’re pursued by the Most High King, and His love is the greatest. Do not let the hype of Valentine’s Day lessen the greatest love story of all time.


Wife Step: To know the truth about God’s love as your number one Valentine, write out and pray these Scriptures:

  • Love lays down His life for me. (John 15:13)
  • Perfect love drives out my fear. (1 John 4:18-19)
  • God quiets me with His love, singing over me. (Zephaniah 3:17)
  • God redeems my life from the pit and crowns me with love. (Psalm 103:4)
  • Love from God stands firm forever. (Psalm 89:2)
  • Because of the Father’s love, I am His child. (1 John 3:1)

Karen Friday is a pastor’s wife and women’s ministry leader. As an award-winning writer and avid speaker, she loves words and God’s Word. For over a decade, she has balanced the busy life of church ministry with working from her home office in marketing where she is frequently referred to as Girl Friday. A blogger, Karen “Girl” Friday engages a community every week, Hope is Among Us. She has published a number of articles and devotions in both print and online media, and is currently working on her first book. Karen’s writing connects family life experiences, Christian ministry, and real life scenarios as women to the timeless truths of Scripture. Vulnerable about her own marriage journey, Karen knows life never gets more real than as a wife. Karen and her husband Mike have two grown children and a grandson. The entire family is fond of the expression, “TGIF: Thank God it’s Friday.” They owe Monday an apology.

Visit her blog at


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