5 Ways to Make Your Husband a Priority

I have been on a mission as of late – a Marriage Mission.
With three kids at home and two ministries to run, my schedule can get overwhelming. My calendar is a scribbled mess, and it’s often that something gets left out.
More often that not, quality time with my hubby gets put on the back burner.
How burdened that makes my heart.
I have decided that I don’t want to carry this burden around anymore. At the end of the day, when I lay my head on the pillow, I want to know that I have made my husband feel loved, appreciated, important, and respected.
That is not an easy feat with a schedule like mine.
Can you relate?
Fortunately, God is bigger than our schedules. He has this way of opening our eyes to the opportunities around us and helping us find ways to prioritize our marriage so that our husband won’t feel ignored. Even with small kiddos in our home.
Here are 5 ways to make your husband a priority.
- Ask God to continually remind your heart of why you love this man. When you get impatient, angry, frustrated, or just too busy – being reminded of those precious qualities that make your husband unique, and those special things that made you love him in the first place can make all the difference.
- Ask God to give you the time and energy to focus on your husband, despite all that is on your daily list of expectations and responsibilities. Be willing to let something go for the sake of your marriage.
- Ask God for creative opportunities throughout the day for a phone call, a text, or a short visit to let your hubby know you are thinking of him while you’re away from him. While you’re with your husband, be watchful for moments when a kiss, a hug, or a sweet word will make a difference.
- Ask for a patient heart, to slow down and listen when your husband speaks, instead of rushing through the conversation to get on to something else.
- Ask God to help you have the diligence to respect the quiet evening time that is set aside for just the two of you, to catch up on your day and spend some sweet time enjoying each other’s company.
If you are finding yourself suffering from calendar chaos and not focusing on your relationship with your man, take it to God. He is our help and our refuge. He is the calm in our storm. He will give you your heart’s desires, and if your hearts’s desire is to be more intentional with your hubby, he will help you make a way.
Make your marriage your mission! Your husband will appreciate the effort and you will feel good about your devotion to and investment in your relationship.
Wife Step: Print these 5 prayers and post them on your bathroom mirror.

Betty Predmore is a writer, blogger, speaker, and ministry leader. She is a licensed Christ-based counselor and is Co-founder of the Women of Virtue Empowerment Network, a faith-based non profit organization created for the purpose of inspiring and encouraging women to find help and hope in Jesus Christ. She is also founder of Mom-Sense: Making Sense of Motherhood, where she writes and speaks on motherhood issues. Betty loves to speak at events, sharing practical life application mingled with God’s word, and sprinkled with humor. She enjoys sharing her blogs on social media as a way of reaching out on a broader spectrum. Social media has given her a platform to reach much farther than her feet could take her.
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