3 Simple Steps to Start Reading Your Bible

At first glance, the Bible is an old, thick, and intimidating book. It has seven different genres and 66 books all told. I can absolutely see why people look at it, cock their head, and tell themselves they’ll try again later.
At the very same time, we crave truth. We want wisdom. And God has written His story of redemption on our hearts. God wants His story to shape ours and His word is an amazing catalyst.
So what are some practical ways to start reading the Bible?
Here are three simple steps to start reading your bible:
1. Start a Small Habit. No one becomes a Bible lover or scholar overnight. So let’s start small. Each step taken will add up to a journey of a lifetime. Decide to read God’s word for ten minutes at the same time each day. I prefer the morning to align my perspective to God’s perspective before my sweet circus is up for the day. It has become an absolute lifeline to be in His word. Just like working out, when it comes to our spiritual health, five minutes is better than no minutes.
2. One Book at a Time. Some friends of mine read one book of the Bible a month. If you are completely new to reading the word then start in the book of Matthew and keep going one book a month. Start with the history and the life of Jesus. You could read one chapter a day and answer these three questions:
What does this passage reveal about God?
What does this passage reveal about me, if anything?
What does this passage reveal about how God wants me to live, if anything?
3. Read it with Others. This is a challenge to those both older and younger in the faith. If you are older in the faith and have been reading your Bible for years, then share your wisdom and seek someone younger to read with. If you are younger in your faith, then be brave and approach someone wiser than you. Read the same book of the Bible separately for the month and meet twice to talk about it. You’ll be amazed at what you can learn from one another.
Friend, don’t let fear of failure keep you from a fresh faith. God’s word changes hearts and therefore marriages. Be brave and take a ten minute step of faith. You will not be sorry you did.
Wife Steps:
-Set your alarm 10 minutes earlier than usual tonight. Prepare a place you will read with your bible and maybe a spot for your coffee. Make it as easy as possible to go sit and read the first thing in the morning.
-Let these truths wash over you when you get discouraged about reading God’s word:
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” – 2 Timothy 3:16-17
“Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counselors.” – Psalm 119:24

Amy graduated from BGSU in 2001 and married her college sweetheart, Rob, one week later. Amy worked in the college ministry of Cru from 2003 to 2015–8 of those years she served as Team Leader. Since 2003 she has regularly blessed the Cru staff, students, and BGSU Greek life with her exceptional speaking, teaching, leading, and mentoring abilities. In June of 2015, Amy brought her experience to the Brookside Staff Team as Director of Outward Movement. In November of 2017, Amy wrote her first book on motherhood titled “Chin Up: Wearing Grace, Strength, and Dignity When Motherhood Unravels Our Souls.” Amy loves anything athletic and competitive, especially tennis and Spikeball, and in her words she “really tries to believe that winning isn’t everything. But, that’s hard.” Amy also enjoys creating things, decorating, and helping others make beautiful spaces. Amy and Rob have three amazing kids ranging from 3 to 10 years old.
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