26 Practical Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage From A-Z

We all want a strong and vibrant marriage. But as we’ve said many times here at A Wife Like Me:
Good marriages are made. Strong marriages are birthed from hard work. So in the busy everyday grind, how can you prioritize and invest in your marriage?
Here are 26 practical ways to strengthen your marriage:
Apply God’s Word to issues you face. Find Scriptures that address those areas first, instead of turning to a friend or family member for insight.
Build up your husband through words. Use affirming words that speak life over him and your marriage.
Cast your cares on Jesus first, then your husband. Going to God first positions your husband to be what God intended—your husband, not your Savior.
Deposit into your relationship more than you withdraw. Imagine a bank account where you withdraw more than you deposit. A spouse soon feels empty or overdrawn.
Expose your marriage’s weak spots, not ignore them. Exposing and working through areas or topics that need attention removes the enemy from having a foothold in your marriage.
Fan the flame of intimacy to keep it fresh and frequent. For help on this, read this post.
Grow together in the season you’re in, taking steps to navigate family, parenting, and spirituality. Don’t be satisfied with not knowing how to navigate new seasons. Dig in and grow together.
Hold onto your dreams as individuals and as a couple. Set aside time to discuss your dreams and find ways to work toward them.
Intercede through prayer for your marriage and your husband. Ask your husband how you can pray for him and set reminders on your phone each day and pray.
Join together with the Lord to fight the enemy as a cord of three strands (Ecclesiastes
4:12). As uncomfortable as it might feel to pray together, begin today. The enemy will do anything to get you to not pray together because he knows how intimate and powerful it is. Don’t let him stop you.
Know who completes you. It’s not your husband. Jesus completes you and makes you whole. Your husband is simply the overflow of His blessings.
Laugh as a couple by scheduling play time. Besides work, kids, and other commitments, planning time to have fun together is one of the best investments you can make.
Minister to your husband. Often, we ask the Lord for ministry opportunities to others, but forget our guy. Really consider how you minister best to his needs and his heart.
Need him. Let your husband know he is valuable and needed.
Overcome past mistakes and regrets through the mercy of God. Ask the Lord to give you a grace-filled heart, especially when you don’t want to show grace.
Pardon your husband’s missteps against you so that restoration and unconditional love can bloom. Unforgiveness keeps the ground dry and rocky, where forgiveness creates a fertile ground for growth.
Quiet your soul. Be still and let the Holy Spirit pour life into you through time spent with the Lord daily in the Word, worship, and prayer. Practicing this soul-care will enhance your relationship with your husband.
Renew your love by pursuing your husband more today than yesterday.
Start fresh today. Regardless of what has marked your marriage up to this point, today you can create the marriage you desire by forming new patterns.
Trust each other by practicing authenticity and honesty. No secrets.
Understand what makes each other “tick” in personal passions and aspirations.
Vow to remember the covenant you spoke to each other on your wedding day.
Welcome him home from work or a trip. Remind him, There’s no place like home.
Xray any fractures so you can seek proper treatment. Consider meeting with a pastor, another godly couple, or a professional counselor. Treatment is key.
Yearn for a strong and vibrant marriage by guarding against complacency and distractions.
Zone your marriage by encircling it with the Lord. Sometimes things are different and messy in a construction zone. But remember, your marriage is always under construction by the Lord. Take the hard hat off and let God do His job.
Wife Step: Ask the Lord to use these 26 tips to strengthen your marriage. Share any or all with your husband as you both commit to the ones that need the most work. Or choose one a week to concentrate on over the next 26 weeks.

Karen Friday is a pastor’s wife and women’s ministry leader. As an award-winning writer and avid speaker, she loves words and God’s Word. For over a decade, she has balanced the busy life of church ministry with working from her home office in marketing where she is frequently referred to as Girl Friday. A blogger, Karen “Girl” Friday engages a community every week, Hope is Among Us. She has published a number of articles and devotions in both print and online media, and is currently working on her first book. Karen’s writing connects family life experiences, Christian ministry, and real life scenarios as women to the timeless truths of Scripture. Vulnerable about her own marriage journey, Karen knows life never gets more real than as a wife. Karen and her husband Mike have two grown children and two grandchildren. The entire family is fond of the expression, “TGIF: Thank God it’s Friday.” They owe Monday an apology. Visit her blog at KarenGirlFriday.com