What Your Husband Is First

I need to apologize to my husband.
I want to apologize for the times I have made him feel like he should serve me before he serves God. I need to say sorry for forgetting far too often that he has his own personal walk with God and he can’t lead me well in mine without focusing on his first.
I expect so much out of my husband, often forgetting that he is first and foremost a child of God before he is my husband. He has many titles, but the most important one is the Son of the Most High King. Because of that title, he can be a good husband, friend, son, teacher, coach, brother, and uncle.
When we see others as who they are in Christ before anything else, healthy relationships bloom all around us. And don’t forget to look at yourself as a child of God first, too.
A healthy marriage begins with a healthy relationship with our Father. Think of it as a triangle — God at the top and you and your husband at each of the bottom points. The closer you get to God, the closer you grow to not only toward God, but also your husband.
We can build up our marriages by encouraging our husbands to draw near to God. It’s not always easy, but God gives us strength and wisdom to choose Him first and to pray for our spouses to do the same.
“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you…” James 4:8 (ESV)
If your marriage is hanging on by a thread, draw near to God. If your husband lost his faith, draw near to God. If you are struggling to die to self and serve God and your husband, draw near to Him.
We owe it to ourselves and our mates to get closer to the One who can heal all wounds and refresh all relationships. When we put God in His rightful place, the rest falls into place.
Wife Step: Write down three ways you can encourage your husband to put God first and pray over those daily.

Kaitlin is a newlywed striving to be a strong half of a Kingdom team with her hunk of a husband. She is a lover of words, good coffee, and exploring new cities. Her favorite places include airports, hotel rooms, and bookstores and she has yet to meet a stranger she doesn’t like. Kaitlin is addicted to shopping, yoga, and brunch and couldn’t make it a single day without her dream-supporting family and best friends. She hopes everyone who meets her sees Jesus in her eyes and feels a little lighter when they leave her presence. You can say hi to Kaitlin on social media at @kchaprogers on Instagram and Twitter, @kaitlinchappellrogers on Facebook, or on her website at kaitlinchappell.com!