By Michelle Barringer
What does Jesus want you to set apart for him? I have a story to tell about being set apart for Jesus.
Becoming Set Apart for Jesus
Mondays are garbage days for our street. Every week, we personally set multiple bins at the end of our driveway.
Separating our refuse takes effort throughout the week, but it’s important we place items in the right bins. Each bin is labeled for garbage, recycling products or yard waste.
Because the waste management company placed different colored lids and labels on the bins, we can easily identify them. Also, the workers picking up the refuse can quickly identify them. The bins’ markings sets them apart.
As Christ-followers, we have been set apart too. Everyone should be able to identify us. Our identification markings set us apart from the rest of the world.
Set Apart by Jesus and for Jesus
Jesus himself sets us apart as his chosen ones. Once we weren’t his, but now we are (1 Peter 2:9-10). He’s marked us as his holy people.
We have a new identity when we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Before becoming a Christ-follower, we lived in the flesh, meaning, we chose to live the way the world lives. But now Jesus calls us to new life.
True faith in Jesus changes a person’s life. In Matthew 7:15-20, Jesus tells us that we will know everyone by their fruit. In other words, the way we live either identifies us as Christ-followers or it doesn’t. It should set us apart from the rest.
As we journey with Jesus, he instructs us in the way we should live. He reveals things to add to our lives and things to remove.
4 Areas to Set Apart for Jesus
How can we live so that we can be identified as God’s people? Some adjustments Jesus has had me make over the years include time, money, behavior and relationships. Here’s a closer look.
Take a look at how you are spending your time. Here are tips for setting time apart for Jesus.
- Schedule time each day alone with Jesus. I’ve increased my time with him from five minutes to two plus hours each day.
- Reduce time spent watching TV. During the week, I watch one program each day and for no more than one hour. I realized I wasted time watching worthless programs. I’m choosier now.
- Spend time serving Jesus. We can serve in unlimited ways. I’ve served in the church nursery, led women’s Bible study and now I’m writing and speaking to serve Jesus.
Our checking accounts reveal what we truly value. As Christ-followers, what we value needs to reflect what Jesus values. Three tips for you:
- Set aside money each month for God’s work (i.e., donating to church, ministries like A Wife Like Me, or to a food sharing ministry).
- Honor God by sharing with those in need (Proverbs 3:9-10, 1 Peter 4:10). It’s not just people we don’t know who we should be helping with our money. Many times, the Lord has shown me my family members and closest Christian friends are often those in financial need (1 Timothy 5:8, Romans 12:13).
- Stop spending money on wasteful things. For example, I used to have multiple magazine subscriptions, and now I have none.
As Christ-followers, we have new ways to behave. Here are three tips for behavior:
- Live with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience (Colossians 3:12-14). God will help you do this in his power.
- Forgive one another. Are you holding a grudge against someone? Extend grace and mercy to others because Jesus extends grace and mercy to you (Ephesians 4:32).
- Love others. Loving others means not being rude or irritable just as much as it means being kind and patient (Galatians 5:22-23).
We can choose people with strong faith to speak into our lives. Here are two tips for relationships.
- Choose friends, mentors, and counselors wisely. Spend time with the wise and become wise (Ephesians 5:15, Proverbs 13:20). You’ve already started by joining A Wife Like Me.
- End unhealthy or toxic relationships. If you can’t end a relationship, you can set boundaries. I set time limits whenever I need to be around a difficult or toxic person.
Jesus has set us apart. We are new creations. Let’s choose to set ourselves apart so that others will know we belong to Jesus.
“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25, NKJV).
Wife Step: Ask Jesus what he wants you to set apart for him.

Michelle Barringer is a writer, speaker, blogger, Gallup-certified Strengths Coach, and a full-time learning and development consultant. She has a master’s degree in communication. Michelle is currently writing her first book in the wee hours of the morning. She is NOT a morning person.
She’s journeyed with Jesus for a long time getting to know Him better, and has gotten to know herself better in the process. Michelle is an encourager and cheerleader. She only has one goal and mission in life: to live the purpose of God and encourage you to do the same. Her biggest passion is to encourage hearts in faith, purpose, and perseverance.
You can join Michelle on social media @michellerbarringer on Instagram and Facebook and her website where she writes about faith, purpose, and perseverance sharing true stories and biblical insight.
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