The Best Way to Respond When Your Husband
Isn’t Growing in His Faith

After our wedding date, I was devouring God’s word and my faith was growing and changing.
My husband and I tried several different churches together, but we could never agree on one we both liked.
One day my friend invited me to visit her church and I loved it. I was there every time the church doors were open whether my husband attended with me or not.
I remember listening to praise and worship music, pleading with God to help my husband grow in his faith. I wanted so badly for my husband to join us, but week after week he wouldn’t come. He was a believer but after visiting so many different churches he was content to stay home.
What did I do?
I would pester, nag, and drop hints about his faith, his walk with Jesus, and to attend church. But the more I brought it up the less inclined he was to do anything about it.
This made me frustrated which led me to cry out to God in my 30-minute commute to church. It was clear that my efforts to grow my husband’s faith was not working.
Can you relate? Are you worn out from trying and hoping that your husband will desire to have a stronger faith?
The Best Way to Respond When Your Husband Isn’t Growing in His Faith
“Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives.” – 1 Peter 3:1 ESV
The changes that our husbands see in us as we walk out our Christian faith draw them closer to Christ. As wives, we love to talk and we think we can help our husbands grow in their faith if they would only listen to us.
Nagging our husbands to go to church or read the Bible is never going to work.
Instead, we can win their hearts over without a word.
If your husband isn’t interested in growing in his faith, begin praying bold prayers on behalf of your husband, asking the Lord to increase his faith. Then patiently wait on the Lord and his perfect timing to work in your husband’s heart.
One resource that really helped me to better learn how to pray for my husband was The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian. Stormie shares how God can strengthen your marriage as you pray for your husband in his spiritual walk, role as a leader, his faith, his future and more.
As I grew in my faith and stopped nagging my husband about his faith, and began to pray that the Lord would help change my husband. That is when miraculous things began to happen. Going to church no longer seemed like a drudgery to my husband and we became involved in a young married Bible study together. His passion for the word increased and his faith blossomed.
Heavenly Father, thank you for the wife who longs for her husband’s faith to grow! Help her to win him without a word, and to pray for every aspect of his life.
Wife Step: Vow today to go to God in prayer for your husband’s faith to grow.

Misty Phillip is an author, blogger, and speaker. Misty believes a woman’s highest calling is to love God and make him known, by loving and serving her family and others with her God-given gifts and talents.
Misty is married to the love of her life and best friend, Peter Phillip, and together they have three amazing young men and are blessed with a precious daughter-in-law. Misty left her corporate career to homeschool her boys. As her boys have grown she began a new season of writing and speaking.
In 2011 Misty became involved in the pro-life movement speaking for Texas Right to Life soon after her son Liam was diagnosed with Trisomy 18. This life changing event launched Misty into the pro-life movement. Recently, she has joined Save the 1 as a National Pro-life speaker. Misty shares devotions on Christian Living, Faith, Home, Family and the books she loves at– By His Grace – Seek Jesus, Study the Word, & Grow in Grace.
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