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How to Fall in Love with God’s Word

May 3, 2021

Guest post by Brittany Ann, author of “Fall in Love with God’s Word: Practical Strategies for Busy Women”

Do you ever struggle to read your Bible as consistently as you’d like? And when you do read your Bible, does it ever feel a bit dry or boring — like you’re just checking something off your to-do list so you can move on with your day?

The good news is: It’s not just you. We ALL feel this way from time to time.

Between work, taking care of the kids, folding the laundry, washing the dishes, cooking dinner — we all have SO many things to do on a daily basis, that it can be easy to let our Bible reading fall by the wayside.

After all, don’t we already have enough to do??

Today, however, I want to challenge you: Reading God’s Word does NOT have to feel like just another item on an already overflowing to-do list. You can fall in love with God’s Word, and it can radically transform your life and your relationships with your family. 

I know, because this was my story.

How I Fell in Love with God’s Word

Years ago, when my children were babies, I really struggled to read my Bible on a consistent basis. I wanted to read my Bible. I knew it was important. And yet, I just couldn’t seem to read as consistently as I wanted to.

After all, I had diapers to change and messes to clean–I was busy!

Eventually, however, I decided enough was enough. I challenged myself to read my Bible every weekday morning at 8am, and I challenged my readers at to do the same.

And it actually worked!

Not only did I finally start reading my Bible more regularly, but I started to actually fall in love with God’s Word. I started to really look forward to this time, and to get more out of it than I ever had before. I started learning and growing more than I ever had before. 

Have I kept my promise perfectly since then? Ha! Not at all. (I’m only human after all.) But the simple act of reading my Bible more regularly truly has changed my life, my marriage, and my parenting. 

I am a different person, a different wife, and a different mother because of this one small habit I try to keep almost every day. 

Here’s why…

How to Make God’s Word a Priority

When I make reading God’s Word a priority, I worry less and trust more. I stop freaking out when things don’t go my way, and I stop chasing things that don’t matter. I let go of my stubbornness, and as my heart softens, I find peace, happiness, and deep-seated joy in God alone.

When I make reading God’s Word a priority, I love others more. I hold my tongue when I’m tempted to be critical or unkind. I focus less on getting my own needs met, and more on being a good wife, mother, and friend to those around me. I’m kinder, more patient, less judgmental, and more understanding.

When I make reading God’s Word a priority, my relationship with God improves. No longer an impersonal force “out there somewhere,” God becomes very real to me as I read His Word and He speaks to me through it. I learn so much about who God is, who I am in Him, and what He expects of me today.

In fact, the simple habit of reading my Bible every day makes such a difference in my life that I can tell a noticeable difference on the days when I don’t read it versus the days when I do. It’s that impactful. 

Do you read your Bible on a regular basis? If not, can I encourage you to start–even if it’s just a short passage each day? 

If I can do it, I promise you can too. I even have a free 21-Day Bible-Reading Challenge to help you get started.

How to fall in love with God's word

Brittany Ann is an author, speaker, and founder of, a popular Christian-living website dedicated to helping women be “all in” in faith and family. Brittany is the author of “Fall in Love with God’s Word: Practical Strategies for Busy Women” and the creator of the 21-Day Bible Reading Challenge, a free challenge to help Christian women make regular Bible reading a priority. 

Do you want to intentionally grow your faith and marriage? If so, we’ve created the A Wife Like Me Collective for you! We’re waiting for you!

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