By: Jess Robichaud
Are you connected to the Holy Spirit? And why does this matter? These are questions I’ve explored in my faith, and I want to share my story with you today.
When You Are Disconnected From the Holy Spirit
There have been many times when I have put my relationship with God on hold. Seasons when I have so many busy things going on in my life that I struggle to find time to draw near to him.
If I’m being honest, there are times where my relationship with him seems to be the easiest thing to put on the back burner. But slowly, over time, that decision begins to impact every aspect of my life.
When I’m disconnected from the Holy Spirit’s influence, I begin to feel my patience growing smaller. My heart starts to harden. I can get sucked into social media or news and become bitter. My compassionate spirit begins to fade. My words can develop a sting.
I start to lose my ability to discern right from wrong. I go more with what I feel rather than what’s right when I am not connected to the Holy Spirit.
Reconnected to the Holy Spirit
This scripture has helped me get reconnected to the Holy Spirit:
“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ”. Philippians 1:9-10 (NIV)
This is such a powerful passage that gives great insight into where our hearts should be focused.
Two very important words in this passage are “so that”:
“ that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ” – Philippians 1:10 (NIV)
Without connection to the Holy Spirit, we can’t experience spiritual growth or the ability to make wise, godly decisions.
A Wife Like Me – Jess Robichaud
How to Be Connected to the Holy Spirit
This concept is made even clearer in John 15:4: “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” (NIV)
While the passage in Philippians says we will not be able to discern what is best, this verse in John 15 says we won’t bear the fruits of the spirit (see Galatians 5:22-23 NIV) if we aren’t connected with him.
He is our lifeline and what guides us into having a heart that aligns with his.
I want to be clear that getting connected to the Holy Spirit isn’t about doing the ‘right’ things. This isn’t about going to church a certain amount of times per month, being involved in a Bible study, or having a set amount of time to read your Bible or go through a devotional.
Those are all good things. But, your heart is what matters. Is your heart soft and submissive to him and his will?
Friend, my question for you today is this: Are you connected to the Holy Spirit with all your heart, mind, strength, and soul?
When We Are Connected to the Holy Spirit
When we invite the Holy Spirit in and are led by him, he will shape us to be more like Jesus. Our perspectives are more shaped by his love than by our circumstances. Compassion towards others will grow. Gentleness and softness will become defining characteristics of who we are because of Christ.
As I grow in faith, I am slowly learning and embracing this concept. I’m not perfect at it, and will never be. But I can tell you that being connected to the Holy Spirit makes all the difference in my spiritual life, and it can make a big difference in yours. Let’s work on this together.
Wife Step: Ask yourself today whether you are connected to the Holy Spirit. What is one way you can deepen your connection with him this week?

Jess is passionate about helping couples have an awesome marriage built on the foundation of Christ. Out of their own marriage struggles, Jess and her husband, Adam, founded Radiant Marriage to challenge and encourage couples towards deep levels of intimacy with each other and with the Lord. Jess is also a marriage and family therapist intern where she walks with couples through trauma to bring healing. Together with her husband, their main goal is to radiate the love of Christ and bring hope to couples in the midst of difficulty.
Do you want to intentionally grow your faith and marriage? If so, we’ve created the A Wife Like Me Collective for you! We’re waiting for you!
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