Friend, if you feel like you left yourself back in…well, a long time ago, THIS IS FOR YOU! Belinda Merrin is with us today to ENCOURAGE you and give you ways to truly find yourself again if other things have taken you away from caring for and being, YOU! You can find Belinda here where she blogs and speaks!

Belinda is a Motherhood, Marriage, and Faith Blogger and Speaker. Her mission is to inspire women navigating the transitions of marriage and motherhood. Belinda is married to her amazing Husband of 8 yrs and they’ve served in ministry together for over 15 yrs. She’s worn many hats from Youth Ministry Leader, Women’s Ministry Board member, Radio Show segment host, and Leader of the Worship team. She is now a mother to two beautiful spunky preschoolers age 3 and 5. They reside in sunny Palm Beach, Florida. Subscribe to her blog, In Quiet Trust for weekly inspiration at
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