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By Kimberly Kralovic
When was the last time you observed your husband in complete awe – an act of embracing the one God created for you?
You can admire your husband’s hobbies and talents from afar even when you may not understand his unique passions.
It’s not always easy, especially when your heart feels hurt or misunderstood.
But you can learn to embrace him for who God created him to be.

Embracing the One God Created for You
It was at the end of the day, and as always, I wanted to get my not-so-subtle point across. But so did he.
After pausing to cool down and reflect, I slowly walked back into that once tension-filled room, holding my breath.
We were both at fault in different ways, but I knew I could love differently than the message I was portraying.
John 15:12 ESV says, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” I knew I wasn’t doing this right.
I quickly looked over at him and saw his look of defeat, and my thoughts shifted.
Something in me couldn’t help but stare. I asked myself, “How did we get here?”
Not only did I feel remorse, but I felt empty.
I didn’t want to be responsible for shattering my husband’s plans or saying no. Nor did I want to be the one to nag or control, as he didn’t deserve such treatment.
In that moment, I knew it was my job to love and support him fully.
How to Embrace the One God Created for You
I gazed upon every fine detail I became blind to seeing, like his dreamy, welcoming eyes that made me feel at home.
I gushed with love when he finally cracked his happy, award-winning smile.
Appreciating every hard-working task he had accomplished that day, I melted into his arms again with one gentle hug and sighed with relief.
I recognized he wasn’t completely broken, and we both apologized.
As I looked down at his ring finger, I realized patterns of my feeling less than enough were not all his fault.
We no longer bounced back and forth like a never-ending tennis match.
None of it mattered anymore because I understood his heart.
I recognized that learning to embrace the one God created for you is a continual process.
Embracing His Differences
The mission to embrace the one God created for you becomes apparent when you realize you are serving the Lord side by side.
It’s hard to recognize our own faults, yet it’s essential to take inventory of them to rebuild bonds.
For example, jealousy of how his time gets spent goes out the window when you stand united.
You may fear that his computer desk, hobby, or favorite television show must be superior to you, but that is far from the truth.
Remember, none of those are replacements for you, but rather outlets desperately needed from a long, busy day.
It’s wise to step back and evaluate how you both operate, including your differences in priorities and what brings each of you joy.
I know his differences can feel like they are disappointing at times. However, fulfilling your husband’s needs also means letting him be authentically himself, with his own breathing space.
Doing so will not take away the love or admiration you two share; instead, it will enrich your bond.
Embracing your husband’s God-given differences means opening doors of acceptance, and you’ll be rewarded for this, dear wife.
Wife Step: Share with your husband a specific quality that you admire about him.
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Kimberly Kralovic is a newlywed, writer, blogger and has a deep passion for encouraging women along the way. As an overcomer, she strives to touch souls with her authentic and impactful words, making others feel less alone in their journey while trusting God’s direction. Her tiny doses of happiness include hot cups of coffee, walking in nature, and all of life’s simple treasures.
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