Dear Wife, Longing For Your Husband

I wish my husband could take a glimpse into my soul that so desperately longs to connect with him. I wish he could see the authentic, genuine love for him that takes up much of the space inside my heart – and the parts of me that want to love him the way I want to love him, but often don’t.
I want to connect with him. I want one-on-one time with him – time that’s uninterrupted by growing kids, dirty dishes or work schedules.
I know you feel the same.
It’s why we wrote Dear Wife. Every single one of us longs to connect with our husband. And this includes each contributor of this book. Not one of us has arrived as a wife. So, please know you’re not alone.
When I betrayed my husband over ten years ago, I thought it was the end of everything. Trying to get through restoration felt like hell at times, and it would have been so much easier to give up. Even though today we’re completely restored, life still happens. We get busy. We get cranky. We get annoyed. We get hurt feelings. It’s the hard part of marriage that we all navigate.
Even so, as wives we long for that deep connection with our husband, don’t we? We want to understand him, and we want him to understand us.
But I want to say something to you that may sting just a little.
If you read Dear Wife for the soul purpose of connecting with your husband than please don’t bother. That may sound harsh, but it’s the truth.
When you pick up Dear Wife, read it for connection with God. Just be open to the idea of connecting with God, and let Him do the rest. It will be a beautiful thing.
Because just like you long for connection with your husband—and time that’s uninterrupted by growing kids, dirty dishes or work schedules, Jesus longs for connection with you.
Dear wife, we long for our husbands just like you. We invite you to join with us to read the pages of Dear Wife, and just watch how your marriage changes. Begin your journey, here.
I love you friend, and I’m honored to be on this wife-ing journey with you!

Shannon Geurin is a wife, mother, writer and speaker; but most of all she’s a fighter. She has learned what it takes to fight for her marriage and family. She is deeply passionate about empowering women to rise up through their circumstances and fight in order to find their greatest calling. Shannon loves serving an actively engaged “Fiercely His” community via her website Her authentic, genuine style and courage to speak the truth is a breath of fresh air to her readers and is one of her greatest qualities. An Oklahoma girl at heart with the accent and “y’alls” to prove it, she currently resides in the beautiful mountains of Colorado. She graduated with a nursing degree from the University of Oklahoma, but spends her time sipping coffee, writing and doing what she loves most, taking care of her crazy family. Shannon has been married for more than 25 years to her husband John, and is Mom to two spirited daughters, Alex and Averee.
Connect with Shannon at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest
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