Bible Reading 101

It’s no secret that the bible can feel overwhelming and confusing. Yet it is the one thing that transforms our hearts, marriages, and families. Still, I hear from women everywhere – women just like you, that if they’re honest, they aren’t reading their bible.
Can we talk about that? Why you don’t read your Bible?
Here are a few of the common reasons I hear (and I’ve told myself):
I’m tired.
I don’t know where to start.
I don’t understand it.
I get distracted.
I’m too busy.
I might be told what I’m doing wrong.
It doesn’t apply to me.
Whether you’ve never opened a page of the Bible or you tried and tried again and raised your hands in frustration uttering a defeating sigh, I want to encourage you today to keep trying. I’ve shared the following insights with women which have helped them dispel the many reasons why the Bible can feel discouraging.
Here is some Bible 101, which I wish someone would’ve told me:
- The Bible starts with God and it ends with God. The Bible is all about, God. The Bible is God’s word, written for us.
- The Bible is broken down into 66 different books. These books are broken down as being written before Jesus’ birth (the Old Testament) and then after Jesus’ birth (the New Testament). Each book is broken down by chapters, and the chapters are broken down by verses.
- We often read the Bible with the wrong perspective. We sit down with the hope that by reading God’s word, He will fix something or tell us what it is we need to do. While God loves to hear from us, relationship with God is what He is after. Our time in His word should be focused on getting to know God first. Because God loves you. Read His word desiring to learn more about God’s character.
- Pray first. Even before you open your Bible, pause and ask God to help you see His character and better understand His love.
- The only wrong way to read the Bible is to not read it at all.
- Be realistic. Start with a reasonable plan. You can try starting with a gospel (four books that tell the story of Jesus) of either Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. Get to know Jesus as He taught, watch how He treated people, and listen to His words.
- Write something down. Pick out a journal and write down a verse that encouraged or challenged you from your reading that day. You can also try writing a prayer thanking God for His word along with two things for which you offer thanksgiving. Note something you might do in your day based on what you read. (eg. Read John 14:1 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.” Thank you Father, for reminding me that You know when my heart is troubled, and that You help me believe in You.)
- Don’t let any questions you have stop you. Reach out to us here at A Wife Like Me, ask a Pastor, a trusted Christian friend, or research and utilize the many resources available. Download the First5 app from Proverbs 31 ministries.
Wife Step: Commit to read one chapter a day for the next two weeks. Plan where you will read and when you will make the time to read. Friend, I’m praying for you.
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Psalm 119:105

Saying yes to Jesus in walking by faith has charted an unexpectedly challenging, joy-filled journey for Susan Wilder. From preschool teacher to writer, speaker, blogger, her sweetest moments come through encouraging women to seek God first and realize the hope we have in following Jesus. Tender love for her husband, Frank, daughters Katie, Kellie, and Mollie, son Clay, sons-in-law Chris, Tim and Tolliver drive her hobbies of cooking and reading. The title of Mimi to four grandboys is more precious than ever imagined. Just ask, she’ll tell you all about them. Susan currently serves on staff as the Women’s Ministry Leader in her local church. Blog:
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