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5 Ways to Improve Your Marriage by Improving Your Health – Debbie Taylor Williams

January 24, 2019

5 Ways to Improve Your Marriage

by Improving Your Health

“I’m exhausted. I don’t feel like going to the grocery store, cooking, folding the clothes, or going to your parents.”  


Have you ever felt that way or said those word to your husband? I have. It’s hard to not sometimes feel overwhelmed with an ever growing “to do” list and not enough hours in the day. We may be the most well intentioned wife in the world, but without realizing it, are sabotaging ourselves.


This year, let’s improve our marriages by improving our physical health. Here are 5 ways to get started.


  1. Get enough sleep. Everyone knows the importance of sleep, yet for many of us it’s a constant challenge. Why does it matter if we don’t schedule our time to get enough sleep? We’re less patient, more moody, and have poorer reasoning skills. We don’t think as clearly as when we’re rested, and we’re less productive. Lack of sleep affects our overall health and mental state. Do your marriage a favor and prayerfully consider how to get more shut eye. Psalm 127:2


  1. Eat healthy meals together. Do you remember when you started dating? Some of your dates likely centered around a meal or enjoying coffee or drinks. Eating together is an occasion for husbands and wives to come together, hold hands to bless the meal, discuss the day, make plans, and share thoughts. Choosing to eat healthy meals with your husband demonstrates that you want to be with him and take care of both of you.  For a simple jumpstart to eating healthy, take part in our 5 Day Health & Wellness Challenge. Genesis 2:9, 1 Timothy 4:4


  1. Move your body. God created us as triune beings with a body, soul, and spirit. It’s important that we honor God and our husband by keeping as healthy and fit as possible. Our standard for fitness isn’t a model on the cover of a magazine. Rather, we’re to eat the food God created and move our body to keep it healthy.  1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 9:27


  1. Respect each other’s sexual desires and needs. God created us male and female and with the anatomy and desire to be “one” not only emotionally, but also physically. Focus on the Family’s article, “Sex is a Physical Need” addresses our husband’s physiological need for sex and a woman’s sexual desire, which fluctuates according to our hormones and emotions. Seek to honor the marriage bed.  1 Corinthians 7:1-5, Hebrews 13:4


  1. Laugh. Did you know laughter is good for you and your husband? Why? It improves your immune system, stimulates your organs, helps muscles relax, helps relieve pain, and more. A wise wife will look for opportunities to share a chuckle with her husband.


Wife Step:  Which of the above would be good for you and also improve your marriage? Do one today.

Debbie Taylor Williams, founder of Hill Country Ministries, a non-profit 501© 3 dedicated to spreading God’s Word and love, is a sought out national Christian speaker and author. Best known as a passionate Biblical expositor, Debbie uses humor and practical illustrations to communicate spiritual truths to women of all ages and walks of life. She has written 7 books and produced numerous video driven Bible studies, including The Plan A Mom In a Plan B World, The Plan A Woman In a Plan B World, Pray With Purpose, Live With Passion; Prayers of My Heart; If God Is In Control, Why Do I Have A Headache?; If God Is In Control, Why Am I A Basket Case, and Discovering His Passion.

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