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By Jess Robichaud
When was the last time you decided to embrace play with your husband? I’m guessing it’s been a while. But when we do this regularly, we strengthen our marriages with fun and delight.
When I Decided to Embrace Play with My Husband

Life right now seems to be defined by responsibility. It seems like my husband and I have so many balls to juggle and we are watching each one incredibly closely. We calculate every choice and decision that we make and try to be as wise as we can.
Let me tell you, this can get exhausting. The heaviness of responsibility and adulting can feel overwhelming some days.
There are some days where I’m ready to throw a tantrum and refuse to be an adult!
Enough was enough. About a month ago, we decided that we needed to get away and play for a bit. So, we booked a little trip to Disneyland. We love this place because it seems like we can just let ourselves relax and play. I honestly can’t remember the last time we just played and laughed and allowed ourselves to let go of responsibility.
I didn’t realize how desperately we needed play until we got there.
This trip was absolutely life-giving. We went out to a nice breakfast, we rode on the rides, ate good food, and sat and took in the sights and smells. We laughed a ton, reflected on the past couple of years, and felt incredibly connected by the end of our trip together.
5 Reasons to Embrace Play with Your Husband
I am realizing more and more how much we need to have fun and play with our husbands. Here are some of the reasons why:
- Play Provides Healing
“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 22:17 (NIV)
There is something magical that happens when we allow ourselves to play and laugh. This is a gift from God that we can embrace as healing. This can breathe new life into you as an individual and into your marriage.
- Play Increases Emotional Connection
Before our trip, my husband and I were feeling pretty disconnected. But during and after our trip, we were much more emotionally connected. Play will bring positivity into your relationship, which will increase emotional connection. This will serve as a reminder how much you enjoy one another, rather than being constantly reminded of the stresses that life and schedules bring.
- Play Increases Healthy Communication
Play reminds us that we are on the same team as our husbands. This will also help the tougher conversations to feel less overwhelming if we have a connection that is fun and life-giving. Play has the ability to break down barriers so that we can further communicate.
- Play Combats Monotony
Life can get tedious and feel monotonous! Play brings zest and fun into the daily grind. Life is already full of stress and play can relieve some of the tension. Not only can it relieve tension, but it can provide hope.
- Play Relieves Stress
According to the Mayo Clinic, laughter “relieves our stress response, increases our mood, and increases our immune system.” Isn’t it amazing that play can make such a difference in our bodies, especially our stress levels?
Little Steps to Embrace Play with Your Husband
Play doesn’t mean that you have to book a trip somewhere or do something extravagant. While getting away can be very helpful, maybe play starts with a game, silly date night or something totally random.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- play Wordle together
- send each other silly gifs or jokes throughout the day
- play a new game
- plan a fun weekend away
- play “would you rather?”
- cook a new recipe together
- start watching a fun new show
Last week we were walking out of the grocery store and my husband told me to jump onto the front of the cart. In the empty parking lot, in the pouring rain, he pushed fast and furiously to our car, detouring around potholes and rain puddles. We giggled and laughed so much in that small little instance.
Take advantage of moments where you can let your inner child shine by embracing play with your husband.
Wife Step: What is one way you can bring fun and laughter into your day today with your spouse?
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Jess is passionate about helping couples have an awesome marriage built on the foundation of Christ. Out of their own marriage struggles, Jess and her husband, Adam, founded Radiant Marriage to challenge and encourage couples towards deep levels of intimacy with each other and with the Lord. Jess is also a licensed associate marriage and family therapist where she walks with couples through trauma to bring healing. Together with her husband, their main goal is to radiate the love of Christ and bring hope to couples in the midst of difficulty.
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