4 Ways to Celebrate Milestones in Your Marriage

I’m naturally reflective, but my husband is not. I’m the family historian who takes the pictures and records the journal entries. This is enjoyable for me, and it also helps preserve the milestones in our marriage.
Because we’ve been through some difficult times. Both of us came from divorced families. We had a whirlwind romance that set us up for disappointment. The first 15 years of our marriage were rocky, to say the least.
It’s tempting to hide those times from memory. But we can celebrate how far we’ve come since those hard times happened.
We’ve also had some good times that are worth celebrating. I remember when our children were born; they knitted our hearts back together in tough times. For our 10th anniversary, I remember traveling back to Gatlinburg, Tennessee to renew our vows at the same chapel where we were married. We’ve had times when we supported and comforted each other. I want to celebrate those good times too.
Do you celebrate the milestones in your marriage? Not just anniversaries. Do you celebrate other remembrances of God’s goodness to you in your marriage?
Life is so fast paced that celebrating milestones can feel like an afterthought. But celebrations remind us of God’s faithfulness in our marriage and give us hope for the future.
Here are some practical ways to celebrate your marriage milestones:
- Look through photos. Dust off the photo albums or order some prints. Spend an evening cuddling together, laughing at the memories.
- Revisit a romantic spot. If you live near the places you frequented when you were dating, eat at one of the restaurants and reminisce. If you don’t live nearby, visit a similar place and talk about the original memory.
- Share a dessert. Desserts often accompany celebrations. Make or buy your husband’s favorite dessert and share a piece together, preferably without the children around.
- Offer words of blessing. Let your husband know what you appreciate about him now as well as what you appreciated about him in the past.
When you celebrate your marriage, you celebrate God’s goodness. Revel in the goodness God has uniquely shown you in your marriage. It’s time to celebrate!
“Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revel in him!” Philippians 4:4 MSG
Wife Step: Today, pick one of the 4 ways you can celebrate a milestone in your marriage and…do it!

Sarah Geringer writes about Finding Peace in God’s Word at sarahgeringer.com and is the author of three books. Sarah lives in her beloved home state of Missouri with her husband and three children, right in the heart of prime viewing for the Great Eclipses of 2017 and 2024.
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