4 Steps For Every Wife to Overcome Shame

It’s like the nasty bottom of a dirty lake that seems to get stirred up sometimes only to cloud the water. Shame can make what is made to be beautiful, feel rotten. It eats away at a sweet marriage until it tastes bitter.
Here’s the thing. God’s grace drowns that shame. It blots it out and clarity reigns. But I carried shame with me for so long after I made mistakes in my marriage. I felt it was my lot in life to carry. I felt shame was a consequence to my actions.
I was wrong.
Shame is a lie and grace blots it out.
You CAN overcome shame. You don’t have to carry it. Here’s how:
- Your identity is found in Christ. It isn’t found in how you wife, how you mother, how you friend, or how you volunteer. At the end of the day it isn’t about you, it’s all about Him!
- Stop trying to “forgive yourself.” I’ve searched over and over and have yet to find anything in the Bible where it says we must forgive ourselves. Instead, learn to accept God’s grace. When you live in your mistakes, it puts a wall between you and God. Grace is right there, waiting for acceptance so that it can give you freedom. That is the God we serve.
- Acknowledge your mistake and be authentic. We have to acknowledge our mistake and face the reality of the pain it might have caused. Offer your heart to God and admit your wrong-doing. He sees it before we even show Him but it’s the act of showing Him where we find freedom.
- Soak in the truth. We must soak in the truth of God’s word. Friend, you are NEW. The old is gone and you are NEW because of Jesus! “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV) Christ has set you free, so walk in freedom! “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36 (NIV) Simmer on this truth until it becomes who you are.
Wife Step: Print these four steps off and place them in an area you frequent. #kitchen #bathroom #car
How have you combatted shame in your life?

Shannon Geurin is a wife, mother, writer and speaker; but most of all she’s a fighter. She has learned what it takes to fight for her marriage and family. She is deeply passionate about empowering women to rise up through their circumstances and fight in order to find their greatest calling. Shannon loves serving an actively engaged “Fiercely His” community via her website www.shannongeurin.com. Her authentic, genuine style and courage to speak the truth is a breath of fresh air to her readers and is one of her greatest qualities. An Oklahoma girl at heart with the accent and “y’alls” to prove it, she currently resides in the beautiful mountains of Colorado. She graduated with a nursing degree from the University of Oklahoma, but spends her time sipping coffee, writing and doing what she loves most, taking care of her crazy family. Shannon has been married for more than 25 years to her husband John, and is Mom to two spirited daughters, Alex and Averee.
Connect with Shannon at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest
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