By Lana Leigh Wilkens
What comes to mind when you think about Scripture memorization?
Maybe memorization sounds boring, outdated or even impossible. Perhaps you wonder why you need to bother when you have a Bible on your phone you can search easily.
Maybe you memorized a few passages and verses when you were a kid and they seem to be working well enough for you so far. Besides, being a wife and mom isn’t really the best time to add one more thing, right? Scripture memory is time consuming, isn’t it?
You’re not alone if you have thought any of those things. And you don’t need to feel guilty if you’re not super excited about memorizing in general. But today, I want to encourage you to give it another try.
The Power of Scripture Memorization
People used to memorize the whole New Testament because they didn’t have their own copies. Unless I’m mistaken, people are just as capable today as they were in Jesus’ day. We’re just a bit more distracted.
The Bible says that it’s beneficial to hide God’s word in our hearts. (Psalm 119:11) Why? So we might not sin against him. That’s a big enough reason to begin, but I wanted to share some ways memorizing scripture has really become a massive opportunity for me.
In Philippians 4:13 Paul writes, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” That means I can memorize God’s Word, not because I’m great at the process, but because he will give me the strength I need. I found the time, energy, and motivation to do it with God’s help.
I had to begin by repenting of wrong beliefs that I couldn’t do it, that it was too hard or that I was too busy. Those were all lies. When I admitted my feelings and thoughts to God that didn’t line up with the truth of his word, I began to get excited about what God might do through this new discipline over time.
Growing up, I absorbed verses without any real knowledge of where they were in the Bible. I was known for saying, “Somewhere in the Bible, I think Paul said, blah blah blah” and then I’d quote the few words I knew. Compelling, right?
So what’s the big deal? The big deal is that I wasn’t being used to my full potential for the Kingdom of God. Eventually I got tired of Google being my “go to” for searching for a Bible verse. I longed to have a significant impact on those around me but I didn’t have the words to be confident to share Jesus with others. Once I began memorizing the Creator of the universe’s words, my confidence grew in three ways.
3 Ways Scripture Memorization is a Massive Opportunity
1. I started to recognize the lies I was believing.
There’s no better weapon against Satan’s lies than the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (II Timothy 3:16). By memorizing God’s Word, you’ll start recognizing lies in your own life.
2. God’s Word became a regular part of my conversation.
Through memorization, God’s Word became a natural part of how I talked to my kids and husband. Now when they are feeling down, or having an insecure moment, I can encourage them right away with verses about their identity in Christ or about God’s character.
3. Memorizing God’s Word helped me grow in confidence to share the gospel.
I’m still working on this one with God, but the more I know the verses about salvation in my heart, the more willing I am to share the good news of Christ with others in a casual and winsome way.
A Massive Opportunity for You
Think about what is going on in your life right now and choose a verse that will speak to you in this time.
Are you having a pretty sweet season? Choose one of the Psalms of praise, maybe one from Psalm 34.
In a sad or trying season? Consider all the ones about trials and how we are comforted by God or how we’ll be victorious in Him (2 Corinthians 1:3-4; John 16:33 respectively).
Write down the verse five times and put it in prominent places you’ll see throughout your day. Say it out loud (even if it’s a whisper), each time you see it.
I’ll be praying God excites you as you see how hiding his word in your heart can truly transform how we think about ourselves, how we can encourage others, and how we can share our faith with confidence.
Wife Step: Pick one verse to memorize this week.

Lana Leigh Wilkens, author of Knee-Jerk Mom, helps women discover their authentic family values and challenges them to ask the right questions so they can decide with confidence, not comparison.
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