By Kristin Milner
How do you let others carry you to Jesus when you can’t handle your own load? I was forced to learn this lesson in a difficult season, and I hope my story encourages you today.
When Others Need to Carry You to Jesus
I suddenly felt forced into a club I never wanted to join. A club that requires wheelchair access for many of its members.
How could I possibly have multiple sclerosis? How will I raise our three daughters? Will life ever be okay again?
These were just a few thoughts constantly racing through my mind. I didn’t know how to feel anything other than hopeless.
In the midst of crisis, we often visualize what we are losing. The memories are close enough to long for, yet too distant to reach. How can we move on when we don’t have the strength or desire?
Sometimes we need others to carry us through these difficult moments. In the middle of life’s storms, we must surround ourselves with friends who will fight for us, doing whatever it takes to bring hope only found in Jesus.

When We Need to Be Carried to Jesus
After my diagnosis, friends and family filled our life and home with constant care. This included (but wasn’t limited to) learning to distribute medications through an IV at my kitchen table while also playing with our young daughters. Their endless support helped us through very hard days.
Their greatest gift, however, was continually carrying me to see Jesus. It often felt too hard to go alone.
We see this in Mark 2. Four friends carried a paralytic to see Jesus. This was no easy task. Jesus had returned to his hometown after performing many miracles. Large crowds awaited to see him. The doors to enter were too crowded to get in.
These four men knew their friend needed help only Jesus could provide. Instead of accepting defeat, they lifted the paralyzed man onto the roof, and tore a hole as an opening. From there, they lowered their friend down to Jesus.
“And when they could not get near him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him, and when they had made an opening, they let down the bed on which the paralytic lay.” Mark 2:4 (ESV)
This paralyzed man was healed because of his friends’ faith. “And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven.’” Mark 2:5 (ESV)
Let Others Carry You to Jesus
Too often, we refuse help from others. We don’t want to be an inconvenience. We try managing things ourselves. Alone. The lonely place we often find ourselves.
The good news is this: our friends want to help. The hard news is this: we must let them. Allow them make the meals and watch the kids. Welcome them to come sit in your living room and fold your laundry. Invite them to laugh with you. Then let them pray for you.
Find the friends in your life who will gladly lift you onto a roof, only to lower you back down. Cherish these friends. Let them know you are thankful for them. And when necessary, let them do whatever it takes to carry you to Jesus.
Wife Step: Take a moment today to reach out to your friends who are there for you through the good times and the bad. Let them know how thankful you are for them.

Kristin is the pastor wife to her hubby and best friend, Tim. Together they have three beautiful girls, and an unusually gorgeous cat named Scooter. Kristin helped start Essential Church in Huntsville, Al, where her husband is the lead pastor. She loves to encourage women with Biblical truth and funny stories at
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