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By Joy Lowery
Were you once zealous to love your husband? When we first come to love our special man, there is so much fire and desire. There are those moments where you are inseparable and give the relationship all you’ve got. If your fire for love is burning low, here are tips on how to remain zealous in loving your husband.
First Comes Zealous Love

Remember when you first fell in love? It was liberating to have someone you could be yourself around, getting those butterflies in your stomach each time you saw his face and blushing at every word. The cutest part was being so eager to make and spend time together.
The amount of time and effort it takes to sustain that relationship past the beginning is not an easy one. What does make it easier is knowing that God is leading it and that you are with your lifelong partner.
Take a moment to remember when you first fell in love with your spouse. You would smile ear-to-ear each time the phone rang, and it was him. You looked forward to the date nights, dressing up and showing public affection toward one another. Making those unforgettable memories with him will stick with you for a lifetime.
Solidify Your Zealous Love
After getting to know one another through dating and moving on to a monogamous relationship, you want to be sure to solidify your love for one another. First Corinthians 13:13 says, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” (NIV) Having that solid foundation from the beginning is very important to the future of your marriage.
That solid foundation from beginning to end creates a healthy marriage and sets the tone for your family. Although you may not begin having children and expanding your family right away, you want to create something that is going to pass the test of time. You want to ensure that the fire and desire you had in the beginning continues even in the mature stages of your marriage.
It can be easy to take the one you love for granted. For this very reason is why you should always continue to date your spouse. No matter what transpires throughout the course of your marriage, do not let that fire burn out. First Peter 4:8 tells us, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” (NIV)
Remaining zealous to love one another makes it that much easier to forgive one another. You are not perfect, and your spouse is not perfect; therefore, you will have tough times that need grace. Forgiveness comes from a place of love; that place that is founded upon God’s love.
How to Remain Zealous in Loving Your Husband
Always remember your “why” about your marriage. Never lose sight of why the two of you were placed together so perfectly by God. Sustaining that love for one another means you cannot compare your marriage to that of anyone else.
Here are a few practical steps that you can take to remain zealous in loving your husband:
- Know one another’s love language. Read the book The Five Love Languages for inspiration.
- Alternate weeks of doing something special for each other. For example, if your husband takes this week to do something special for you, take the next week to do something special for him. It does not have to always be super fancy, just meaningful to you both.
- Go on date nights. These are so important, as they give that one-on-one quality time with one another. Date night can be a night spent at home; be creative.
You will never regret taking these steps to remain zealous in loving your husband. He will appreciate your efforts, and you will be blessed too.
Wife Step: Test out one of the practical ways you can remain zealous to love.
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Joy Lowery was born 15 June 1988 in Frankfurt, Germany. She graduated from Coosa Central High School in 2006. She graduated from Gadsden State Community College in 2012 with an associate degree in Psychology.
Joy Lowery is from Rockford, Alabama where most of her family resides. She has two beautiful daughters: Ivy Grace (her oldest) and Marleigh Faith (her youngest). She is the oldest of two siblings. She is an Army mom and the founder of Joyful Manna podcast. Joy loves serving just to serve and not to get.
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