By Betty Predmore
How do you connect even in times of disconnect? And why does this matter? I have several practical tips to encourage you today.
The Loss of Disconnection
Ladies, if there is one thing I have learned through the COVID situation, it is how important it is to be in a community of believers.
Like many of you, my church shut down for months. There were no sermons, no Bible studies, no gatherings. Yes, we utilized Zoom, but let’s be honest… it is just not the same.
I belong to a group of ladies in a community ministry. We enjoy monthly gatherings and special events. That is how we fellowship. That is how we connect with one another. But for months… nothing.
I’m sure you understand what I mean when I say I found myself getting lonely. Lonely for my people. Lonely for a hug and a smile. Lonely for those sweet conversations that happen in small groups over coffee.
I found myself longing for that sense of connection and community. I needed the encouragement, and I needed to BE that source of encouragement to others.
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. (1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV)
Ladies, I know we have all found ourselves in need of our tribe of sisters in Christ over the last few months. We have all missed out on the hugs and laughter, along with a few tears.
The Accountability of Connection
There is more to our biblical community than just the fellowship and connection. There is the accountability that comes with community.
I don’t know about you, but I know that I have certainly fallen short without that accountability. I have let my spirit get overwhelmed with the burdens of life. I have neglected my study time on many occasions. I have let my attitude with my husband and children become really negative.
Without that accountability, I have not felt as “useful” for Christ as I have in the past. That has affected my confidence.
Wives, can you relate to any of this? Has your spirit suffered while being disconnected from your connection?
Fighting the Drift of Disconnection
Have you found yourself drifting away (even just a little bit) from your walk with the Lord?
That is just what the enemy would have us do…drift until we are so far out to sea that we can’t get back to shore.
If you are like me and have found yourself drifting, it is not too late to reach out for support.
Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2 ESV)
We need our community to be there for each other. For our struggles and our uncertainties. Our hurts from failed dreams. Our anger and depression, worries over our husbands and children, feelings of self-doubt and even hopelessness.
We need to reach out in love and compassion and take our sister’s hand. We need to support her, encourage her, share God’s word with her, and remind her of just how unique, marvelous, and special she is in the eyes of her Savior.
Let’s carry each other’s burdens. When we walk together, those burdens are not quite so heavy. Whether it’s through a Zoom call, Facetime, or an old-fashioned phone call, don’t wait to reach out for support or to offer support. Make connection a regular priority to fight the drift of disconnect.
Wife Step: Is there a woman who could use your support? Could you use the support of your community of sisters? How will you reach out today? Join our community of wives today in the A Wife Like Me Collective!

Betty Predmore is an author, speaker, blogger, and ministry leader. Betty is the Founding Director of two community faith-based ministries. Mom-Sense helps women overcome life struggles through small group classes with biblical curriculum, individual counseling, bibles studies, and other areas of support. The Imperial Valley Coalition for Life is a pro-life organization that values the sanctity of life and encourages women to choose life by offering various means of support throughout pregnancy and infancy. Of all her roles in life, Betty is most honored to be wife to Jim and mama to a brood of 7, which includes biological and adopted children.
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