By Karen Friday
Have you found your voice to tell your story? Many women haven’t done this yet. But you can do this with God’s help, for his glory.
Find Your Voice
Tell us a story, Mama.
My kids often requested to hear a story when they were little. Sometimes from a storybook just waiting for us to get lost in the pages of a narrative.
They enjoyed everything from classic tales of fictional characters to Bible stories about real people and about Jesus.
But some of my son and daughter’s favorite stories came from my own childhood. True accounts of my favorite activities, my pets and their names, and what I did to get in trouble and details of my punishment.
As a lover of both the written and spoken word, I’ve always seemed to realize the power of story.
Yet, it took me a bit longer to realize that I have a unique voice and a story to share with others.
And so do you, friend.
Tell Your Story
Here are three things to consider as you find your voice to tell your story.
Reflect on your life up to this point.
When we look over the chapters of our lives, there are highlights and lowlights and things we’d rather not remember. But we can see it all as something God can use to grow us into his image, help others, and for his glory.
Reflect and pray: Lord, take the ashes from my life and make them into beauty as only You can. Take my rubble and broken places and rebuild them in your name. Take the highlights and use them to show others how you are the highlight and joy of my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Recount what God has done in your life.
You know those biblical accounts of miracles for God’s people? God has done them for us.
He not only moved mountains then; he has moved physical, financial, and spiritual mountains in our lives with no other explanation except, “But God.” The Lord has parted seas in our lives when there was no other way around the difficult issue we faced.
There was also manna from heaven (provision), healings, his presence, and his faithful promises. And he’ll do them again and again! Nothing is happenstance. It’s all God!
Recount and pray: God, You are great and mighty and you do great things. You part seas and move mountains and send provision and work behind the scenes on my behalf. Even when I can’t see what you’re doing, let me know your footprints and fingerprints are evident in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Remember God uses your story within His-story.
We became part of God’s story of creation when he formed us uniquely in our mother’s womb. God’s story of redemption was meant for every one of us when he sent his Son to take our place.
The Heavenly Father’s love, grace, mercy, hope, and goodness were written into our story once we were adopted into the family of God as one of his children.
Remember and pray: Heavenly Father, thank you for thinking of me before the world began. And before I was…you were. Help me to see myself as your masterpiece with a story to share about the Master. Thank you for adopting me into your family. Let my story tell your bigger story of redemption and love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Wife Step: Reflect, recount and remember your story is part of God’s bigger story. When you find your voice to tell your story, you will not only see his goodness and mercy written on every page, but you will also see how he uses your life and experiences for his glory and to help others.

Karen Friday is a pastor’s wife and women’s ministry leader. A blogger, Karen “Girl” Friday engages a community every week, Hope is Among Us. She has published a number of articles and devotions in both print and online media, and is currently working on her first book. Vulnerable about her own marriage journey, Karen knows life never gets more real than as a wife. Karen and her husband Mike have two grown children and two grandchildren. The entire family is fond of the expression, “TGIF: Thank God it’s Friday.” They owe Monday an apology. Visit her blog at
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