5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Marriage

The emotions that swirl throughout my heart and mind when I think of the phrase ‘spring cleaning’ are too numerous to count.
It brings back memories of my mom cleaning the windows, the dust boards, the fan blades, under the cabinets, on top of the cabinets, and every corner she could find. As a young girl, I despised those seasons. As a wife, I’ve come to enjoy the change in season and freshness that a good ‘spring cleaning’ brings to our home. But my house is not the only place that might need spring cleaning.
Just like our home gathers unwanted clutter and grime, our marriage can also build up unwanted disorder.
Here are five ways we can spring clean our marriage:
- Take note of the entrance way of your marriage. How do you greet your husband at the end of the work day? Are you too busy to care that he’s home? What does it feel like coming home to you, or how does your home change when you arrive home? If you’re not sure, ask your husband. Commit to working towards tidying up the entryway to your marriage.
- What about your laundry room? Are you letting old laundry pile up? Are there situations where your husband has wronged you that you continue to hold over his head? If you’re not sure, ask God to convict your heart of any areas of unforgiveness. Extend the same forgiveness that Jesus has offered you to your husband. Let’s clean out the laundry room, friend.
- How is your living room? Is it uninviting? What kind of communication is happening in your marriage? Do you attack your husband with or without words? Do you sit silently, hoping your husband will notice you, love you or serve you? Healthy communication is critical in your marriage. If this has been difficult in your home, maybe marriage staff meetings once a week where you sit and practice good communication will benefit your relationship. Maybe better communication will be built through counseling, or a marriage mentor couple. Whatever it is, take a seat in your living room and take the steps necessary to move toward your spouse.
- Get your kitchen in order. Is there an odor coming from the fridge? Evaluate your attitude toward your husband. Do you have a critical spirit? Do your words cut down or build up your husband? If you’re not sure, ask a godly trusted girlfriend her opinion of your attitude toward your husband. As spring approaches, maybe it is time to throw out some old food that’s been rotting away. Rid yourself of negative thoughts and attitudes and replace them with a bit of positivity.
- Does your bedroom need a thorough clean? How creative are you in the area of physical affection to your spouse? Is sex the same way every time? Maybe it’s time to branch out a little and bring some creativity into your bedroom. My husband smiles with a twinkle in his eyes every time he thinks of a night that I stepped out of my comfort zone in the bedroom and served fruit salad in a creative way. As a wife, let’s make our physical relationships be colorful. Let’s step out of our comfort zone if needed and spice things up in the bedroom.
I don’t know about you, but I know my marriage could use some spring cleaning. Each year! I might not like the entire process of spring cleaning, just like I don’t like spring cleaning my house. However, I want to be diligent with my responsibilities as a wife and tend to the buildup so it doesn’t get out of control.
Wife Step: Choose one area in your marriage that needs spring cleaning and take the appropriate steps to spruce up that area of your marriage.

Karen lives in Madison, Alabama with her husband and three children. Karen has served as Preschool and Children’s Pastor and has been involved in women’s ministry for many years leading small groups, making hospital visits, organizing retreats, and encouraging the hearts of women. Karen now blogs at Glimpses of Faith and Struggles. What started out as a way to communicate medical facts has become a place where Karen uses life experiences to encourage others in their life journey. When she’s not busy caring for her family or writing, you might find her cooking or crafting.
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