4 Simple Things You Can Do to Love Yourself

It’s easy to accept a gift from your spouse. But what if we take a moment to consider how well we love ourselves?
If you’re anything like me, you get a rush of guilt at the thought of loving yourself. I mean, I’m a wife, a mom, a friend, a (the list goes on and on and on). Shouldn’t I always focus outward at the other people in my life?
No, nope, negative.
Think about it, when we are on a plane and the flight attendant goes through the oxygen mask spiel, do they tell us to put the mask on our husband first?
How about our kids?
Again, nope.
It’s us. We are supposed to put it on ourselves, first.
It feels counter cultural and even counter Christian. Yet Jesus himself cared for himself so that he could care for others.
Here are four simple things you can do to love yourself.
- Treat yourself to something. Spend a couple of dollars on a pair of fuzzy socks, or book yourself a massage. Don’t let the fact you’ve purchased them yourself take away the joy of the gift. Think about something you enjoy and consider how to treat yourself to something special.
- Move! No, I don’t mean change your residence. I mean move your body. Dance to a fun song on the radio, go for a walk, go to the gym, play your kids’ Just Dance video game. Whatever method, getting your blood pumping and caring for your body is a great way to show yourself some love.
- Take an hour just for you. If you have kiddos, wait until they go to bed or enlist your husband’s help. Maybe you read a book you’ve had on the night stand for months. Perhaps you take a long, hot bath. Maybe you spurge and get a pedicure. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. Just spend a single hour (or an afternoon or morning if that’s possible for you) to yourself. You deserve it. The house won’t fall apart if you take a sixty-minute break from all the things.
- Search God’s word for ways He describes you then put them on post-its around your home. In case you didn’t know, you are cherished, adored, and precious. Seeing ourselves the way God sees us is the BEST way to love ourselves.
When I stop all the things for a moment to show myself some love, I tend to interact more lovingly to the people in my life. My husband gets a kinder version of me. I’m more patient with my kiddos. I hope the same rings true for you!
Wife Step: Choose one of the above steps and implement it.

Alynda Long and her husband, Brian, live near Dallas, Texas with their two youngest daughters. A lay leader in a sexual abuse recovery ministry at her church, she loves sharing God’s story of redemption and healing in her life while helping other women walk through their own journey of recovery. She writes about the lessons the Lord teaches in her day to day life as a wife, mother, and friend at alyndalong.com. She thrives on Jesus, coffee, books, chocolate, and friendships!
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