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By Rebecca Hastings
Does your marriage get lost in the hustle and bustle of the holidays?
I know mine does. Between gift buying and grocery shopping, the holiday cooking and Christmas cards, it’s easy to lose track of time with your spouse.
It’s no secret the holidays are stressful, especially for women. When we are stressed things sometimes get put on the back burner, even important things like marriage.
Instead of going through another holiday feeling disconnected, you can ask God for help to enjoy the season with your spouse.
“God is my helper; the Lord is the sustainer of my life.” Psalm 54:4 (CSB)
If God can sustain your life, He can surely help you with your marriage this holiday season.

3 Prayers to Help Your Marriage During the Holidays
Here are three prayers that will help you and your spouse:
A Prayer for When Things Feel Busy
Lord, there is so much to do and the calendar feels so full right now. I know this is a season, but spending time with my husband is important.
Please make a way for us to have time together. Help us set aside pockets of time to be together.
Give us the wisdom to protect our time together from other things that would try to pull us away. May we discover a beautiful blessing in our time together as we celebrate the holidays as a couple.
Remind us of our love for each other and your love for us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
A Prayer for When You Disagree
Father, right now my husband and I are not seeing eye to eye. It feels like we just can’t agree, especially about _________.
Please help us find common ground. I don’t want to fight with him. I want to enjoy the holidays together.
Lord, show us how to love each other and work through the things we disagree about. Forgive me for when I have been stubborn or inflexible.
Help me to see Your best for us and walk forward humbly. Draw us closer together as we find joy in celebrating the holidays together. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
A Prayer for When the Holidays Feel Hard
Oh, Lord. We need your help. The holidays feel so hard this year. We are struggling with _________, and we need your gentle hand to guide us.
Heal the hurting places within us. Help us trust You and Your loving ways.
May we not turn against each other, but instead, work together in faith as we walk through this hard season.
Father, we trust You. Help us trust You together. Help us come to You with all of our feelings, and make a way for us to find the joy of the holidays as a couple this year. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As you walk through the holidays this year, use these simple prayers to help you and your spouse feel more connected to one another and to the Lord.
Wife Step: Take a screenshot of these prayers and pull them up on your phone when you need God’s help this holiday season.

Rebecca Hastings is a writer and speaker helping women discover faith in their real, everyday life. Married for 23 years, she is a wife and mother of three living in her hometown in Connecticut. Her books, including Worthy: Believe Who God Says You Are, are available on Amazon. Rebecca can often be found typing words, driving her kids places, or wherever there is chocolate.
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